RMI partners with private investigations firm CDiC Consultants LLP to provide enhanced risk management support

RMI has recently entered a new partnership with CDiC Consultants LLP to provide greater support to our clients in due diligence and investigations.

CDiC Consultants is a leading private investigations agency, with a team of highly experienced investigators who are trained to conduct discreet enquiries to uncover any additional information that may not be discovered during background screening which relies on publicly available information. Their ability to carry out comprehensive investigations and their expertise in due diligence will give our clients a more in-depth analysis of any sensitive hires, in addition to enabling our clients to more thoroughly look into any allegations made against employee(s) and the company.

Leveraging CDiC Consultants’s expertise and team of experienced private investigators, going forward RMI will be able to offer a wider range of services to our clients.

“We are confident that this partnership will allow us to deliver even more value to our clients and we look forward to a successful collaboration with CDiC Consultants,” said Mervyn Ho, Managing Director, RMI.

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“Our new partnership with RMI will help businesses mitigate various types of risk,” said Tan Kok Boon, Managing Partner, CDiC Consultants. “Our team of private investigators are thoroughly trained and highly qualified, so clients can be assured of discreet, rigorous fact-checking and fact-finding.”

Learn more about how RMI can help you mitigate business risk here.

