RMI among 12 selected background screening companies to verify educational qualifications for EP applications

RMI is proud to announce that it has been selected by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) as one of Singapore’s 12 background screening companies to provide educational qualifications verification for Employment Pass (EP) applications.

In March this year, MOM announced new requirements for EP applicants, which will be implemented from 1 Sept 2023. These include a new points-based application framework called Complementarity Assessment (COMPASS) and compulsory third-party educational qualifications verification for diploma and higher qualifications.

To support these new requirements, background screening companies like RMI were evaluated and chosen based on MOM’s criteria, which include scale of operations and geographical coverage, cost and time taken to verify qualifications, processes in place to ensure the quality of verifications and confidentiality of client information and strong customer support capabilities.

Combined with our track record and expertise in providing authenticity checks on educational qualifications and accreditation checks on educational institutions, it was clear that RMI is well-placed to continue to assist with MOM’s EP application requirements.

“RMI is delighted to be selected as one of the 12 background screening companies in Singapore to continue supporting the Ministry of Manpower with its updated EP application requirements,” said Mervyn Ho, General Manager, RMI. “As a MOM-endorsed company, employers can expect trusted and reliable verification and screening services thanks to our robust systems and processes and our commitment to delivering high-quality and efficient service supported with market leading customer care.”

Enhance your understanding of MOM Employment Pass requirements and streamline your HR processes.

Learn more about RMI’s MOM verification service here.

